Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Twenty Questions

Okay, I’ve got one. (This is how you start a new game.)

Is it a sheep?*


Is it a sheep byproduct?

Well, okay. Miscellaneous, then.

Is it a place where we can buy knockoff purses, old books, and scary WWII items?
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Not really. That's out in the fringe of Glasgow.

Is it edible?
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No, and it's not in Fort William, either.

Does it live underwater?
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Well, not intentionally.

Is it currently living?
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Well, you'd have to ask it that.

Is it bigger than a breadbox?
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Is it something you like a lot?
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Is it strange and otherworldlike?
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Delightfully so.

I give up.
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Tardis, baby. TARDIS!
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*In C’s clan, this is how all games of twenty questions start. As in normal-people “twenty questions” games, everything falls into one of three categories: sheep, sheep byproducts, and miscellaneous.

Sample "twenty questions" answers from the trip: sheep, monkey puzzle tree, Loch Ness monster, Dolly the inflatable sheep, yarn, sheep poo, Chloe (our car's nav system), sheep, midges, Jaguar, oysters, sheep.

Also, go check this out: 800-SUICIDE has been defunded by the U.S. Guvmint, and they want to replace it with a govmint-run hotline that would (of course) allow them to access the call records. I used to work on a hotline in the 800-SUICIDE network, and I'm furious. Not only that, but they've been stiffed quite a bit of money from a past year's grant. Go sign their petitions and write the congresscritters, would you please?


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