Friday, April 14, 2006

No details, just pictures.

Thank you all so much for your support and your kind comments; they are much appreciated. I see that even my knitting friends are still lurking! Hi, knitting friends! Want some pictures?* I got a little detached during all the hospital stuff and didn't have very much to say, for those who are wondering why I didn't call. C is on an amazingly steep recovery curve, and even felt well enough to blog. Meanwhile, I'm feeling a little knocked out by all the excitement, and I'm having trouble putting together complete sentences. So in lieu of actual stories, I'll show you what I worked on while I was hanging around in waiting rooms.

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These are Knitty's Broadripple socks, in Fixation. This yarn was bought for the abandoned Sox Socks project, but I like them better in this pattern than the first one I tried. Knit while watching baseball, comforting myself while teaching at a very bad middle school, traveling to Madison, seeing my college friends, sitting in the hospital, and watching more baseball. I made them about an inch longer in the cuff than the pattern called for, and ended up using all but the last bitty bits of yarn. It's a little frustrating to work with the cotton elastic, but I just love the stretch in the socks. And yes, this is the project in my icon.

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Good night, all.
*I understand that some of you think I'm crazy and alone out here, but this is a cross-post. If you're early to the party, sit tight; I'll invite everyone else once the blogroll is halfway decent.


Blogger sturdygirl said...

hello! another knitting friend checking in. glad the docs were able to kick the pesky appendix to the curb. thanks for the congrats! i guess i should write more about the wedding & marriage - i'm just afraid some people will be bored. anyway...see you soon!

8:01 AM  
Blogger Trope said...

WHEE! My first comment! Sweetie, I think I should bring you a prize. :) Yes, we are ALL ABOUT the wedding stories... we'll give you some privacy on the marriage, at least for the first year. (After that, it's fair game.) Or perhaps I'm just interested since I'm a wedding survivor. Hope to see you next week sometime.

4:45 PM  

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